For many decades, AIIM has focused on helping organizations manage the triad of People, Processes and Technology, through many changes in all three. There are specific changes in play right now that make this triad especially challenging, and information professionals have a unique role to play in helping their organizations adapt.
All of which translates into a host of new challenges for those trusted with the task of constructing an information strategy that supports the business. Organizations are faced with juggling multiple eras and generations of technologies – all of which are difficult to just “rip and replace.” This is especially difficult because of the following:
1 -- These eras are coming faster and faster.
2 -- Successive eras don’t replace what came before – they are stacked on top of what came previously.
3 -- New disruptive competitors are building their business models without the burden of legacy systems.
So how should you approach these challenges? Get my new Tip Sheet.

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