Accessible AND Secure - Best Practices for Automating Information Governance

A Free Industry Watch Report from AIIM

There’s an increasing connection between information governance and strategy. Over 70% of organizations see Information Governance as “important” or “critical” to their business strategy.

Accessible and Secure Best Practices for Automating Information Governance Cover

Organizations have long made a link between all of the information flowing into their organizations, and the compliance and legal risk this information carries. But, something bigger is now in play – an increasing connection between information governance and strategy.

We surveyed 230 information professionals to explore this strategic connection for Information Governance further. Download this FREE report to explore the findings, including the key trends with Information Governance and how leading organizations are structuring their strategies around them:

  1. Growing Strategic Importance: Relative to five years ago, there has been a shift in the strategic importance organizations place upon effective Information Governance.
  2. Maturing Risk/Benefit Profile: The risk/benefit profile that organizations attach to Information Governance is becoming more mature.
  3. New Ways to Internally "Sell" IG: New approaches are needed when it comes to internally “selling” Information Governance.
  4. Automating IG: First-generation tools are being widely used to move beyond legacy paper-based records management strategies and automate core Information Governance processes.
  5. Next-Generation Tools: There is a clear gap between good intentions and reality when it comes to the adoption of next-generation tools like AI and machine learning to automate Information Governance.

Simply fill out the form on this page to download this free report and learn more.




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