AIIM Demo Days

Elevate Your Brand with AIIM Demo Days Sponsorship!

Unlock unparalleled visibility and connect with a targeted audience by becoming a sponsor at AIIM Demo Days – the premier showcase event for cutting-edge information management solutions. As a sponsor, you’ll have the exclusive opportunity to spotlight your software, engage with industry leaders, and leave a lasting impression on potential clients.


What Are AIIM Demo Days?

AIIM Demo Days are curated events designed for solution providers like you to present your offerings in a dynamic and engaging format. Attendees will immerse themselves in a world of innovation, gaining insights into the latest technologies and trends in information management. It’s your chance to showcase how your solution can transform their data and information landscape.


Why Sponsor AIIM Demo Days?

  • Focused Exposure: Sponsors receive a 15-minute or 25-minute slot to demonstrate their solution, allowing you to showcase your product in detail.
  • Q&A Session: Engage directly with the audience during a dedicated 5-minute Q&A session after your presentation.
  • Extended Reach for Diamond sponsors: The replay of your demo will be featured in our new buyers guide plus your logo will be prominently featured in our promotional materials, providing comprehensive exposure across multiple platforms.*
  • Exclusive Access: Receive the contact information and demographics of the 150 end-users who register, giving you valuable leads for potential clients.

Schedule Schedule: 12 - 2pm ET


Format-SpeakerThe Format:

  • AIIM welcome and introduction (5 mins)
  • Sponsors present demos, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A
  • Closing comments from AIIM

BenefitsSponsorship Benefits:

  • Diamond sponsors secure a prime 25-minute demo slot with 5 minutes for Q&A, and gain exclusive placement in the New Buyers Guide for 3 months.
  • Gold sponsors enjoy a 15-minute demo slot with Q&A time included.
  • All sponsors receive prominent logo placement, extensive event promotion, and access to 150+ registrants’ contact info and demographics.

PriceSponsor pricing:

Diamond Sponsorship
  • Trade member price:  $6,500 or 2+: $6,000 per
  • Non-member price:  $7,250 or 2+: $6,700 per

Gold Sponsorship
  • PP/LC price:  $5,000 or 2+: $4,500 per
  • Non-member price:  $5,500 or 2+: $5,000 per

First time Sponsoring an AIIM Program? Receive 25% off your first sponsorship.

Be part of the information management revolution – AIIM Demo Days, where the future of data and insights begins!

FormatSecure your sponsorship for AIIM Demo Days

Secure your sponsorship for AIIM Demo Days and position your brand at the forefront of innovation. Connect with us today to reserve your spot and transform the way businesses manage information. Amy Michalski at or book a meeting with her here.