Digital Preservation: Is Your Current Approach Failing the Business?

A New Approach for Handling Digital Information is Needed

Digital Preservation & information managementIn the pre-digital era, microfilm did a pretty good job of taking care of both the short-term information management needs (better, faster, cheaper, easier to manage than paper) and the long-term information preservation needs (eye-readable for more than 500 years) of many organizations.

Along the digital journey, however, two objectives — management and preservation — got separated. In the process, long-term preservation of digital information took a backseat to the short-term utilization and optimization of this information in business processes. In addition, many organizations lost track of the key differences between back-up, archiving, and true long-term preservation.

The business implications of the failure to ensure access (search/retrieval) and usability of long-term digital information are significant. In this eBook, we explore how access failure is impeding the ability of many organizations to extract value, mitigate risk and use information in an intelligent way for competitive advantage.

Get your copy TODAY!

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