Most transportation and logistics providers have a significant number of staff assigned to manual data capture and exchange activities such as Track & Trace, gathering freight bill invoice information, managing customs forms, or securing proofs of delivery (PODs). Although essential, these activities are resource-intensive, error-prone, and tend to slow down billing and cash collection. Most of these tasks along with consolidation and increasing global competition have worked to reduce already thin margins.
Today, transportation, Logistics and third-party logistics providers (3PLs) all struggle to access information they have locked in disparate IT silos and legacy applications which make information related to inventories and shipping difficult to view and track across the supply chain ecosystem. Download this white paper to learn more about the simple enterprise, and how enterprise processes, business-critical tasks, and the way we manipulate and utilize information are more effective and user-friendly when physical paper is replaced with a digital format.
Find out more in this new white paper.