Implementing a Digital Workplace Strategy

A Free Industry Watch Report from AIIM

Digital Transformation begins with the tools and processes that knowledge workers use every day to get their jobs done — the Digital Workplace.

Cover Implementing a Digital Workplace Strategy

When it comes to information management, AIIM sees two imperatives facing every company regardless of industry: 1) a commitment to Digital Transformation and 2) a rising tide of information chaos. Essentially, information chaos presents the problem, and Digital Transformation is the strategic solution. It's at this intersection of problem and solution that we see the Digital Workplace, or the day-to-day processes and tools that knowledge workers use to get their jobs done.

There are many definitions of the term “Digital Workplace” – and truth be told, also a fair amount of hype around it.

But, no matter what you call it, the key point is that the productivity, effectiveness, and engagement of knowledge workers is critical in your Digital Transformation and fight against information chaos.

In this eBook, we explore 4 best practices for creating a Digital Workplace, including:

  1. Defining the term “Digital Workplace”  and determining what it means to your particular organization.
  2. Understanding the business objectives of Digital Transformation.
  3. Shifting your focus from buzzwords to understanding how information is actually used on a day-to-day basis.
  4. Focusing on identifying and building upon the core capabilities workers need to get their work done.

Simply fill out the form on this page to download this free report and learn more.




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