Information is the currency that fuels and funds your Digital Transformation Journey

79% of organizations realize that they must transform into a true digital business in order to survive. As the currency that fuels and funds the journey, information is an organization’s most valuable asset.
This information in-coming at organizations is increasing volumes, forms, and formats. The ability to intelligently capture this information in a consistent way and integrate it into automated business processes is a core element in Digital Transformation.
This eBook looks at a key element in any information management modernization strategy – creating an intelligent capture strategy and the implications this carries for automating document-intensive workflows, including 4 best practices:
- Best Practice #1: Once you get capture basics in place – more of a wish than a reality in most organizations – adopt a “land and expand” approach to intelligent capture.
- Best Practice #2: Thoroughly understand the problem set that intelligent capture can help address, and frame conversations in terms of problems to be solved rather than technologies to be deployed.
- Best Practice #3: Look “downstream” and understand the far-reaching implications that intelligent capture has on process efficiency and automation.
- Best Practice #4: Review the capabilities of your current and planned capture platforms to make sure they are evolving to meet the next generation of AI and Machine Learning challenges.
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