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A Free eBook Exploring Automated Information Governance

Information Governance is Too Important to be Left in the Hands of Knowledge Workers

In the first generation of information governance solutions, we assumed that we could somehow convince knowledge workers to assist us in the task of “Information Governance” and “Records Management.” However, the tools available to knowledge workers to create, distribute, and store content have accelerated faster than our ability to manage it and control it. This is particularly challenging because the content created by knowledge workers in their day-to-day personal productivity activities tends to be the riskiest from the perspective of the legal department and is a major cause of rising storage costs.

The old manual ways of thinking about this problem have failed. In order to control this content, it must be captured or classified automatically, and retention policies must also be applied automatically.

The net-net: Automation of the information governance challenge is no longer a “nice to have;” it is a strategic imperative for any organization. Download this FREE ebook to learn more.

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