The AIIM Blog - Overcoming Information Chaos

Braindates: How We’re Taking Peer-to-Peer Learning to the Next Level

Written by Georgina Clelland | Jan 29, 2018 2:34:11 PM

Say you’re feeling a bit under the weather. Ache here, pain there, friends asking, “Are you ok? You look...tired.” What’s the first thing you’ll do? Go to the doctor?

Of course not.

You Google your symptoms, so you can judge if 1) you can cure what ails you on your own, or 2) it’s worth the hassle of going in to see your doctor. If you do end up going, you’ll proudly share your diagnosis with her before she can even examine you just to make sure she doesn’t waste your time.

A transformation in authority is taking place. In health, in education, in culture: we now want to play an active role in the way we care for ourselves, in the way we interact with our culture and in the way we learn.

The model of one-teaches-all is rapidly being replaced by a model of all-teach-one, due in large part to the incredible individualization it allows. Why limit our learning to a few teachers when we can decide what we want to learn and let the whole world be our guide?

Technology has enabled this to happen on a significantly larger scale, but it has been happening your whole life. If you stop for a moment, you can probably remember a time when someone shifted your perspective or even transformed your life in a big way. And you are probably not aware of it, but someone somewhere still talks about that conversation he had with you, that changed his life.

We're bringing this concept to The AIIM Conference 2018 on a scale we never have before.

Following the success of our “Buddy Program” at last year's conference, where we played matchmaker and paired attendees together based on a particular issue or answer they were looking to resolve at the event, we are kicking peer-to-peer learning up a notch at AIIM18.

Allow me to introduce you to braindates, one-on-one, and small group knowledge-sharing conversations, on very specific topics both participants choose in advance. You'll be able to find people who can answer your specific challenge or question or folks seeking the answers you have.

That's right! Not only are you the student, but you're also the teacher. Before you say "But I'm not an expert!" stop for a moment. Haven’t you ever failed? Succeeded? Been stuck? ...Unstuck? Then you’ve learned–and someone at AIIM18 could be experiencing the same challenge and needs your guidance.

We look forward to bringing peer learning to The AIIM Conference 2018 and seeing what knowledge you have to share with our community.