In February 2010, we conducted an informal survey of 332 social media users to understand the business use of social media tools outside the firewall by users, suppliers, and consultants in the information management space. We targeted LinkedIn, Facebook, and InformationZen users, as well as readers of the AIIM blog.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (% of who strongly agree /% somewhat agree/ % no opinion/ % somewhat disagree /% who strongly disagree)
I try to keep my personal and business networks separate. (48% 31% -- 6% -- 10% 5%)
I view Facebook primarily as a personal networking tool. (62% 20% -- 9% -- 6% 3%)
I view LinkedIn primarily as a business networking tool. (67% 23% -- 5% -- 3% 2%)
I think that business social networking tools help me to do my job better. (32% 44% -- 14% -- 5% 5%)
Business-related social networking is a waste of time. (3% 6% -- 7% -- 33% 52%)
The social networking tools available OUTSIDE my organization to the general public are better than those available INSIDE the organization. (36% 20% -- 25% -- 8% 11%)
It’s becoming increasingly important for my job that I am active on social networks. (31% 31% -- 12% -- 16% 9%)
I would be willing to participate in a wiki or other tool to gather together and share best practices. (29% 42% -- 19% -- 5% 5%)
Staying active on social networks takes up a hefty chunk of my private time. (10% 32% -- 14% -- 27% 17%)
Staying active on social networks takes up a hefty chunk of my business hours. (7% 24% -- 12% -- 33% 24%)
Want to use any of these stats? Feel free! Please just remember to cite AIIM as the source.