I recently attended a meeting of the Chicago chapter of AIIM, where a stimulating panel discussion on the future of ECM and records management took place. I wish I had recorded the conversation, but I took some great notes that I wanted to share with you all.
Is records management just about protecting "bad" people, or is the driver storage reduction? <-- why can't it be both?
Records management is the "peas in the mashed potatoes." No one cares about the management of records, but they should. Records managers need to get better at selling their value to their businesses.
Still, isn't there a role for document management in open-source collaboration? To do good? Must balance "CYA" with technology's benefit.
Enterprise 2.0 retention isn't an issue of the tools, it's about the process.
What is advanced case management? It's business process management for knowledge workers.
Comment: Wikileaks will have a big impact on content management and Fortune 500 companies are scrambling to classify sensitive info.
The E in ECM is about transforming business functions, it's not about technology.
There's a lot of concerns about retention around Enterprise 2.0, but not a lot of discussion by vendors on this topic.
Whoa! One panelist says 17% of IT budget, on average, goes to data storage!
There was a big laugh in the room in response to "How many of you actually destroy according to your retention schedule?" The point is, no one does.
There was a lot of discussion on social media's impact on records management. What's the best way to retain this communication and, more importantly, should you?
A recent AIIM survey shows most organizations are immature at capture: image capture (34%), image+text for search/routing (32%).
Another AIIM survey shows 45% of companies ban access to social media.
Scanning is a mature technology but an immature market. Only 16% of businesses are using advanced capture.
Will mobile devices actually increase print? A bigger issue is the proliferation of ECM to mobile.
Per an AIIM survey, 58% of SharePoint users are not storing images in the system.
Will SMB ditch SharePoint in favor of virtual file cabinets?
Content analytic tech will help records managers identify critical records.
ACM is key for knowledge worker productivity.
Do machines or people classify content? IBM says Watson is changing the game.
It was nice to see the supplier folks let their hair down a bit and move off the marketing scripts and interact with each other. I think there will be a lot more conversation on these topics over the next couple years. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for ECM and records management.