I recently blogged on the theme The Cool is Back in ECM, reflecting on my attendance at two widely varying industry events, the Box.Net BoxWorks conference, and IBM's Information on Demand. My conclusion, based on my data point of whether my kids had heard of the entertainment (ECM passed the test this year!), is that the Cool is Back in ECM.
I did find myself after writing that post wondering, "How could both statements -- 'BoxWorks was Cool, IBM IOD was Cool' -- be true within the same content management space?"
I came across this diagram by Geoff Moore in his new book Escape Velocity that started me thinking, as Geoff's stuff often does. Good book; get it.
Here's the diagram:
So per this diagram, there are two flavors of content solutions, one focused on a sweet spot that is rich in complexity and depth and focused on a finite customer set with enough scale to take advantage of information complexity and deep analytics (e.g., IBM, Oracle, Open Text, EMC). The second is a set of solutions that have been built from the assumption of simplicity and scale and focus on a very broad customer set (e.g., Box, DropBox, SkyDox, Yammer, Google Docs).
And yet even within the dichotomy of this model, there seems to be some nuances and complexities to think about relative to our industry.
Gets me a bit dizzy. I guess I should take some comfort in the F. Scott Fitzgerald quote, "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." [Note: My wife would likely question both the intelligence part and the ability to function part.]