The AIIM Blog - Overcoming Information Chaos

Big Data: Too Much Yin, Not Enough Yang

Written by John Mancini | Feb 13, 2013 9:07:00 AM

There is a frenzy around big data today. But beneath the froth and the hype is this underlying and undeniable fact: big data will change the world, if companies start looking beyond the hype of the technology to learn how to put big data to work.

There are two important sides to the big data story that must be understood. Right now, the focus on big data is on the technology itself and the exploding opportunities for data scientists -  the "Yin."

What's missing from this equation is the "Yang" -- the people who put all of this big data to some sort of business use - “Data Entrepreneurs.”

To explore more, let's start with a look at our research on the topic. Below you will find a short Slideshare presentation covering the following key points about Big Data.

  • considering the BUSINESS side of the big data equation
  • teaming data scientists with information professionals
  • embracing a new way of working
  • striking the right balance between analysis and action for businesses
Big data - too much yin and not enough yang from John Mancini