As we enter into a new decade, it's hard not to look back and reflect on how different everything is now. Twenty years ago, the world was a completely different place than it is today.
In our personal lives, we’ve shifted from renting DVDs to streaming, from dial-up internet to anywhere-access through our smart devices, and more.
But how have the years impacted the way we manage our information? On this episode of the AIIM on Air Podcast, your host Kevin Crane chats with Brenda Barnhill, Director & Consulting Specialist, Montaña & Associates, about the evolution of records management and privacy. Take a look back at where we’ve come from, how these practices have evolved, and what to consider moving forward in 2020.
Also, on this episode, best-selling author and BPM thought-leader, Nathaniel Palmer will talk about how a new generation of workflow tools enables improved synergy and cooperation between business units and IT.
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