A potentially problematic challenge for industry and legislators is the apparent tension between privacy rights and the rapid adoption of blockchain-based applications which are expected to reach $10.6 billion in revenue by 2023.
There is a school of thought that blockchain is antithetical to and incompatible with safeguarding privacy rights. One of the most notable blockchain skeptics – David Gerard –argues that if “you were silly enough to put personal data into an append-only ledger which is a proof-of-work blockchain — that’d be flat-out insane.”
There is certainly merit to this argument. The ambition of blockchain is to provide an immutable ledger of transactions which cannot be modified by a participant within the blockchain, but rather controlled by complex consensus-based algorithms. While a blockchain provides a trusted framework for the integrity and auditability of transactions it stands in stark contrast to the ambition of the GDPR Regulation, the foundation of which is to enable data subjects to exercise greater degree of control over the processing of personally identifiable information.
The GDPR Regulation provides data subjects with enhanced rights to withdraw consent, access, correct and in some cases erase their personal information. “The structure of the blockchain does not allow for any such changes. Any attempt to modify the information recorded about a prior transaction could break the chain, and the transactions that were conducted in reliance on the pre-existing data could not be erased or superseded.”
The contrarian position is that blockchain and privacy rights can in fact be complimentary as both are predicated on the desire to confer greater degree of control on individuals over their information – albeit from two different ends of the spectrum of control. The ambition of blockchain is to remove agency costs by obviating the need for intermediaries to control data while at the same time ensure the trustworthiness, traceability and security of transactions. GDPR on the other hand is designed to primarily enable data subjects to exercise greater degree of control over the processing of their personal information. Both blockchain and GDPR are designed to “democratize” data by giving more control over its use to individuals.
There is a further argument for the co-existence of blockchain and GDPR privacy rights grounded on the inevitability of accelerated adoption of blockchain-based applications and that their impact “will be more transformational than the internet itself.” In an article, Anne Toth, Head of Data Policy, World Economic Forum, LLC posed the following:
“While European policymakers were debating and finalizing aspects of GDPR, blockchain wasn’t on most people’s radar. This is yet another example of where regulation is addressing a problem in the rear view mirror rather than looking at the road ahead…. In this case, while we wait for the rules to play catch up, the question we have to ask is whether existing blockchain applications that store personal data are now rendered illegal until this is sorted.”
In between these polar opposite arguments there may be a pragmatic middle ground:
A particularly instructive analysis of the co-existence of blockchain and GDPR is the French data protection authority (CNIL) which provides helpful guidance on best practices related to the implementation of GDPR compliant blockchain applications:
“Organizations should carefully determine whether they need blockchain in the first place, particularly a public one; if you choose to go forward, practice data minimization when registering data on a blockchain.”