The AIIM Blog - Overcoming Information Chaos

A Trip to the Computer Museum

Written by John Mancini | Jun 29, 2017 8:48:26 PM

Never have the risks of disruption – and the rewards of nimbleness and agility and creativity -- been higher.  SaaS solutions to enterprise problems – with far fewer aches and pains to business types -- have swept through corporate America. For years, Boomers had the benefit of numbers – after all, they still represented the majority of the workforce and dominated the C-Level within organizations. By 2020, those pesky Gen X, Y, and Z folks will be 80% of the workforce. The Boomers – and the institutional knowledge they have – will largely be gone.

The question facing many organizations -- How do we create a business technology environment for the millennial majority that looks a lot less like a technology museum?

Think about how out-of-control things have gotten relative to the core business challenges of managing, controlling, and utilizing information. So, how do organizations make sense of all this? How do they begin to update their core infrastructure – and minimize the amount of chaos that will inevitably ensue? How can they optimize the productivity of their human capital? The answer lies in 1) more effective management and utilization of the content and information housed – often locked away -- in existing systems;  2) rationalizing multiple content systems, and 3) moving from legacy to more modern platforms.

Ironically, this problem is more challenging in industries that were leaders in the first wave of content automation.  In the late 1990s, Enterprise Content Management became a mainstream technology (at least for large organizations) by first focusing on early adopters eager to automate high-value, mission-critical, and document-intensive processes critical to gaining competitive advantage.  Examples of these initial “breakthrough” processes include the new drug application process in the pharmaceutical industry, claims processing in the insurance industry, and check processing in the banking industry. The challenge of modernizing this legacy investment is somewhat akin to trying to change the wiring in a house while the power is still on.