Good news - we’ve updated Certified Information Professional (CIP) exam! For the last six months, a group of very experienced subject matter experts has been revising the CIP exam, program, and training. With any change comes questions, so I thought I would take some time to answer some of the ones I’m sure you’re asking.
Every certification needs to be reviewed and updated every few years as technologies, processes, and best practices are introduced, changed, or retired, and CIP is no exception. We want to make sure that CIP continues to remain relevant and valuable to the individuals that hold it and to their colleagues and organizations that benefit from their knowledge and expertise.
The overall approach to this update was to reemphasize the importance of business issues and business outcomes. We wanted to ensure that we treat each topic in the overall context of the business, rather than doing a deep dive into a particular process or technology. This means that while the coverage of the CIP topics may be similar in a given domain, the exam questions from that domain will focus on those business issues and outcomes.
In addition to being more focused on business issues and outcomes, the topics are covered a bit more strategically; for this and other reasons we also believe that the target audience for the updated CIP is a bit more experienced, with 5+ years of experience in at least one domain and some exposure to some or all of the other domains.
When we started planning the update, we did so through the prism of our Intelligent Information Management story. We believe and have been sharing for a while now, that organizations today need more than ECM, or Gartner's replacement, Content Services. These are important considerations, but insufficient, because they create the impression that these are technology issues. The Intelligent Information Management story has a technology chapter, but it's not the most important chapter. Rather, technology supports the other things that organizations need to do to meet today's information management challenges:
We also wanted to keep implementation planning on the updated exam. So with a little tweaking from our subject matter experts, here's what the final updated exam blueprint looks like:
AIIM has a number of resources available to help professionals at all levels prepare to become a Certified Information Professional: