To be effective, organizations have to embrace the approach of “streamline and automate.” Governance and compliance tasks need to be made as simple as possible (but no simpler). And they need to be automated to the maximum extent possible – to the point where users have no idea that things like information security and records management are even happening.

You are exploring the Automating Governance and Compliance Domain. You can access the other domains of Intelligent Information Management here:
Free Report: Balancing Records Management and Information Governance
Explore how the convergence of information volume and variety are forcing our traditional practices of records and information management to broaden. Download here.
Free Guide: How to Achieve Records Management Best Practices
Records don't just create and manage themselves. This how-to guide details best practices for records management to help ensure that you're doing it right. Download here.
Free Tip Sheet: Building a Strong Records Management Foundation
Records management has a key role to play in driving better customer service. Learn how to unlock your information as a useable asset with this tip sheet. Download here.
Free Tip Sheet: Developing a Data Privacy Program That Works
Learn how to navigate through the steps to develop a privacy program that addresses today's greater demands for data security and regulatory compliance. Download here.
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