For AIIM, 2015 was full of new endeavors, hard work, and celebration. This has been quite an exciting year for us, with new events, a new training course, and lots of new friends made along the way.
The most important thing in the world to us is our community. That’s why the theme of 2015 here at AIIM was “Personal Connections,” us connecting with you and you connecting with each other.

We kicked things off at The AIIM Conference 2015 in San Diego, where we had over 750 information professionals from countries all over the world in attendance. Lots of thought-provoking conversations on Digital Transformation and fighting Information Chaos were had. It wasn’t all work, though. We also threw a giant party on an aircraft carrier!
In the fall, we took AIIM on a road trip where we got to visit many of you in your own cities. We held 9 one-day events across North America, where we discussed ditching paper in favor of automated business processes. It was fascinating to watch attendees form impromptu roundtable discussions during breaks to learn from each other.
This is the exact purpose AIIM serves - to provide a place where information professionals can connect with one another to share knowledge and experiences. We are proud to offer our community this place.
In this infographic, you'll find some other stats from 2015 we are proud of. Enjoy!
Download a PDF version of this infographic.

Wow - what a year! We wish you all a very prosperous New Year. We're looking forward to seeing you again in 2016.