Hi AIIM, I'm Tori. It's Nice to Meet You.
Last September, I had just picked up my youngest child from daycare when I received an eagerly awaited phone call. If you have ever been in a car with a squirming, squalling toddler, you know that it’s not an environment conducive to hearing. However, I am nearly certain that I was told that the Search Committee and AIIM Board of Directors had selected me as AIIM’s next President and CEO. I am thrilled that I didn’t mishear and have now joined this special organization.
The information management industry is rapidly evolving in response to changes, including automation and artificial intelligence; remote work; changing responsibilities of information management professionals; evolving customer expectations; democratization of technology; growing security risks; and increasing compliance requirements.
These social, economic, and technological changes are compounded by the increasing volume, velocity, variety, and even vagueness of information. At AIIM, we’ve called this the “rising tide of information chaos,” which, for me, conjures images of 18th-century wayfarers weathering brutal storms at sea.
What if instead of focusing on the complexity and unknowns we face, we focus on the opportunity this environment presents? The balm to chaos is resiliency, and AIIM is committed to helping you grow and prosper in this new era of information management.
Since 1944, AIIM has proved its resiliency and ability to adapt and support members through any storm. I have deep gratitude for my predecessors – John Mancini and Peggy Winton. They shepherded AIIM through the dot com bubble, recessions, a pandemic, and more by focusing on providing valuable resources designed to help you succeed. We’ve introduced a certification program, in-person events, online learning, webinars, and a podcast and expanded our rich catalog of white papers and guides.
AIIM is a reflection of the information management industry and has transformed and even rebranded itself to meet the evolving needs of members.
This year, we will focus on supporting member success in this new era of information management. We will do this by advancing a culture of foresight, innovation, and inclusivity.
We will ask the Leadership Council, Company of Fellows, special interest groups, and other subject matter experts to help us envision the future of information management. Based on this vision, the Board of Directors will be developing a new strategic plan that will guide AIIM and position us to lead the information management industry.
We will continue to develop and refine AIIM’s programs to better meet your evolving needs and highlight innovations that may impact our industry. At The AIIM Conference (April 25-27, 2023, in New Orleans) we have a forward-thinking curriculum that features innovative new technology and provides a practical roadmap for transforming how business content is captured/created, processed/shared, and discovered/protected.
We will also begin to develop a plan for expanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within AIIM. In addition to DEI being a core value at AIIM, I firmly believe that DEI is key to fostering innovation and growth. Intentional DEI initiatives can create a welcoming environment that attracts new talent and encourages diverse perspectives.
There are exciting times ahead. I am honored to serve this community. Together, we will collaboratively explore and lead our industry into the future. I wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.
Warm regards,
Tori Miller Liu, CAE, MBA
P.S. Come meet me at the Meet & Greet for AIIM+ members on January 12, 1:00 p.m. ET. Learn more.
About Tori Miller Liu
Tori Miller Liu, MBA, FASAE, CAE, CIP is the President & CEO of the Association for Intelligent Information Management. She is an experienced association executive, technology leader, speaker, and facilitator. Previously, she served as the Chief Information Officer of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and been working in association management since 2006. Tori is a current member of the ASAE Executive Management Advisory Council and AI Coalition. She is a former member of the ASAE Technology Professional Advisory Council and a former Board Member of Association Women Technology Champions. She was named a 2020 Association Trends Young & Aspiring Professional and 2021 Association Forum Forty under 40 award recipient. She is also an alumna of the ASAE NextGen program. She is a Certified Association Executive and holds an MBA from George Washington University. In 2023, Tori was named as a Fellow of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).