Information Management Blog

The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

David Robinson

With more than 37 years of experience in the records / information management industry, David has worked in all levels of Australian government to guide agencies to make the most out of their information assets. David is responsible for the re-development of the information management program at City of Greater Geelong and has led implementations of information management solutions at government agencies. With a passion for job crafting, storytelling and all things historical David is making it fun again to work in information management.

Blog Feature

Change Management

Job Crafting: Get the Job You Want in the Job You Have!

Information Management (IM) can be often viewed from outside the profession as a boring, meaningless compliance-based activity that has little business value as a corporate function. So, trying to change these perceptions when promoting or selling the benefits of IM work or your next IM initiative can be a daunting task from the start. This is where ‘Job Crafting’ can allow you to unlock your creativity by leaning into your ‘personal passions’ to improve the chances of your next initiative achieving its objectives. This article will explain what Job Crafting is, how it was successfully implemented in 2 local government agencies and how it can be used to reinvigorate your work.

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