The AIIM Blog
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The practice of Knowledge Management carries many benefits for your organization, including increased efficiency, better decision-making, improved customer service, and more. With these benefits in mind, let’s get into specific knowledge management tactics you can use to maximize the use of your company’s knowledge assets - six steps you can start working through today! Step 1: Determine What you Need to Know Step 2: Categorize Your Knowledge Assets Step 3: Have Clear Corporate Data Security Policies Step 4: Promote Knowledge Sharing Step 5: Secure Valuable Knowledge Step 6: Get the Right Technology
Quick question: What’s your business’s most prized asset? Is it a tangible asset, like a high-rise building in an upmarket area? Is it owning groundbreaking high-tech tools? What about your inventory, cash, or cash equivalents? In today’s knowledge economy, it's knowledge assets that are vital to a company’s growth. When you think about it, knowledge assets are more important than tangible assets. They can make or break a business. Sadly, many brands ignore knowledge asset management. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using a strategic practice called Knowledge Management to purposefully manage your organization's knowledge assets. Let’s begin:
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.