The energy industry plays a crucial role in all our lives. Without it, we wouldn't be able to keep the lights on...or the wifi, or the computers...and so on, but what is it that powers this critical industry?
Information—energy utilities run on millions of documents to accomplish complex business operations and support their foundational principles: ensuring worker safety and providing reliable energy to end-users at a reasonable cost.
So, what's it like to work with records and information in this exciting industry? On this episode, Kevin Craine chats with Elana Fate, Records Manager at MISO Energy. Tune in to hear Elana describe her challenges, perspectives, and advice as a records and information management professional in the energy industry.
Elana is also a Certified Information Professional and shares her thoughts on becoming certified and how that's helped her in her role.
Also on this episode, explore a case study session from The AIIM Conference detailing how Hyland Software helped Heinen's Grocery Stores successfully migrate their Human Resources to the cloud.
Check out this episode for all this and more!