The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Digital Transformation | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
As we start to think about #AIIM15, I thought I would ask a number of our sponsors a few identical questions in order to get an understanding of how they see the future of our industry -- and let those of you attending start to think about your own questions to ask them in San Diego. Here are the three questions I'll ask: What are the three biggest challenges you see your customers facing while trying to “Embrace the Chaos”? What do you see as the three most important trends related to Information Management facing organizations over the next 18-24 months? What will be different in our industry two years from now? What are the three most important things attendees should know about your company?
Capture and Imaging | Digital Transformation | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
As we start to think about #AIIM15, I thought I would ask a number of our sponsors a few identical questions in order to get an understanding of how they see the future of our industry -- and let those of you attending start to think about your own questions to ask them in San Diego. Here are the three questions I'll ask: What are the three biggest challenges you see your customers facing while trying to “Embrace the Chaos”? What do you see as the three most important trends related to Information Management facing organizations over the next 18-24 months? What will be different in our industry two years from now? What are the three most important things attendees should know about your company?
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
If you’ll pardon the interruption in MY predictions, I thought I would also share some predictions from the December AIIM Board meeting. I asked each Board member to share ONE prediction about the future as a means to talk about the industry and where it's going and how we (AIIM) serve it. So here goes with a tiny bit of editing and in no particular order…
Digital Transformation | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
We are living in an era of unparalleled innovation. It is more important than ever for organizations and individuals to keep up with and understand the trends or else find themselves miles behind. In this presentation from AIIM's John Mancini, you'll learn about the keys to getting prepared for digital transformation, including: What does "digital disruption" look like? What is information choas and why should you be concerned? What are the warning signs of Digital Disruption?
Intelligent Information Management (IIM) | Productivity
Many corporations waste their IT budgets on the “T" instead of benefiting from the “I" in IT. Information can be used to reduce costs, manage risks, add value, or even create a "blue ocean" opportunity. Let me therefore give you two ways you can change the game and make a dent in the universe.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
As we’ve discussed before, we are in a world of rapid and accelerating change. Three major disruptive forces are accelerating the pace of change and driving organizations into information chaos: CONSUMERIZATION is transforming what users expect from applications and how we deliver them. We are now in the era of user-centric IT. CLOUD AND MOBILE are creating an expectation of anywhere, anytime access, and transforming how we engage with customers and employees. THE INTERNET OF THINGS is creating massive amounts of new data and information, creating enormous new challenges and opportunities.