The AIIM Blog

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Collaboration  |  Sharepoint and Office 365

Making the Best of Working from Home

You know that saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? It’s something I try to live by. I’m a self-proclaimed eternal optimist and always try to look for the positive in everything. If you do it often enough, you’ll soon find that there is always a positive way to look at things. It won’t always turn the bad completely good, but it will always put a positive spin on it and make it easier to handle. Finding even a glimmer of hope through positivity can be enough to pull you through. This year, life didn’t just give us lemons; it basically gave us a sea of lemons. The unexpected COVID crisis hit and changed…well, everything. In business, organizations were forced to rethink how they view remote work, remote workers, and the systems used to support them. And for the majority, we were unprepared: Only 34% of the organizations surveyed reported that their organization was “very prepared” for remote work prior to COVID.* Today we’re going to look at this overwhelming sea of life’s lemons and see if we can’t squeeze out at least a glass of lemonade!

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Blog Feature

Collaboration  |  Email Management

The Problem with Email Collaboration (and a Better Alternative)

While social media, the cloud, and advanced enterprise content management systems get the most attention, the fact is that plain old email remains to be a foundational tool in the way business gets done. And email shows no signs of going away any time soon. In fact, the total number of active email users jumped to 3.9 billion in 2019. American workers will receive an average of 126 emails a day. Like it or not, email remains the glue that ties an organization together. We use it to communicate with our bosses, colleagues, partners, and customers. We use it for storing important messages, and a lot of important collaboration happens in email. But, just because a tool can be used for a particular job doesn't mean it's the best option.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature


What Are the Top Approaches to Collaborative Work?

Team collaboration is one of the biggest factors that will contribute to the success of any business in the next decade. A joint study between the Institute for Corporate Productivity and Babson College found that companies that actively work to leverage collaboration as an organizational skill are five times more likely to be high performing. And after studying 55 of the largest teams from companies like the BBC, Marriott, and Pixar, researchers identified that the top factor in peak performance was the fact that leaders of the organization championed and enabled collaboration as an operational imperative. This means establishing the ability to collaborate on content at any point in its lifecycle securely.

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Blog Feature


Is Co-Authoring the Right Prescription for You?

Several months ago, I developed a nagging pain in my right shoulder. Nothing much at first, but over time, it got worse. Initially, I ignored the pain and hoped it would resolve itself. But it didn’t. So I tried several common over-the-counter remedies; the ones that everyone takes. They provided some improvement, but none resolved my problem.

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Blog Feature

Collaboration  |  Oil and Gas

Can You Strike it Rich with Co-Authoring?

Organizations today work with a great volume and variety of data. The trick is using that information in ways that improve the performance of the organization. One example is in the oil and gas industry where the stakes are extremely high; involving millions in revenue. Government approval for exploratory oil and gas rights are awarded to companies with the best technical application. The trouble is, assembling and authoring highly complex, high-value documents like exploratory proposals and regulatory submissions – which can often be thousands of pages – is a huge challenge.

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Blog Feature


Essential Tips to Scale Remote Work Productively

Recently, you may have heard the phrase, “I am working remotely.” But, what exactly is remote work? Let’s start by explaining the term first. A remote worker is someone who works outside the office space. As technology has evolved, it has changed the way people work and created new opportunities to work outside the office walls. Remote working is also referred to as teleworking or telecommuting.

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