The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
AIIM recently collaborated with Cohasset Associates and ARMA in the eighth biennial survey on the evolution of Information Governance (over 1,300 participants). Over a series of blog posts, I'll cover the major highlights -- and the implications for organizations as they continue to address the tension between Information Opportunity and Information Chaos. Overall, the survey finds that Information Governance programs are more prevalent, better designed, and inclusive of digital information (usually referred to in legal circles as Electronically Stored Information, or ESI). However, many essential implementation elements are not being addressed. Defensible records and information management practices are founded on clear and consistent policies, retention rules, and training that result in systematic, repeatable, and measurable implementation outcomes. Modern Information Governance (IG) programs have adjusted their approach to address the realities of managing large volumes of electronically stored information (ESI).
The electronic records management (ERM) technology landscape continues to evolve as the deluge of records and information makes dealing with records in a "status quo" approach impossible -- if not downright dangerous. Yet, it is still important to distinguish between the hype cycle of new capabilities and the reality of what technologies are really ready for prime time. In this video, noted ERM Expert (and recent Jeopardy winner) Priscilla Emery walks through the opportunities and pitfalls in The ERM Technology and Market Landscape: Getting Past the Hype to Reality.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
In my previous post -- Welcome to the Era of InfoChaos: How Will Your Organization Adjust? -- I discussed the colliding forces of Information Opportunity and Information Chaos. In this post, I want to discuss how we wound up in this strange place of incredible opportunity and risk.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
The game has changed. Information is the world’s new currency. Read just about any business publication, and you will quickly conclude that how an organization manages its information assets is now just as fundamental a source of competitive differentiation as to how it manages its physical assets, its human assets, and its financial assets.
Information Governance | Sharepoint and Office 365
Automation Should Get The Job Done And Be Defensible In Court by Jim Merrifield, Director of Information Governance for FileTrail, Inc. When is automation going to deliver the promises we have heard for years? Automation is software that automatically classifies records, starts the review cycle automatically, notifies re... read more How to Sell InfoGov to C-Level Executives by Jim Merrifield, Director of Information Governance for FileTrail, Inc. I attended three ARMA meetings last week and guess what topic all of them focused on? You guessed it, Information Governance. It is the hottest topic in the records management space today. If yo... read more Demonstrating the Business Value of Social Collaboration by Christian Buckley, Director of Product Evangelism for Metalogix Measurement of social sucks. And I'm saying this without having a clear picture of what needs to happen for it to be fixed. But treating internal social collaboration like your externa... read more
Yesterday was Data Privacy Day. It is hard to say when tipping points occur, but the combination of the NSA revelations and the sophistication of the recent Target thefts have me thinking a lot more about this issue than I did as recently as 12 months ago.