Information Management Blog

The AIIM Blog

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Margaret Tassin, CDC, CFSP, FMS

Margaret Olson Tassin, CFSP, CFC, FMS, is president of Forms Doc, LLC. She was previously the manager of forms, records and information management for Pennzoil-Quaker State Company, where she initiated its forms automation project. She is a co-developer of Form Center, the only commercially available forms management database, and Forms Training Online. She served on the accreditation board for the Certified Forms Consultant (CFC) program sponsored by the National Business Forms Association (now Print Services and Distribution Association) and was a founding member and later chair of the accreditation board for Certified Forms System Professional (CFSP) sponsored by Business Forms Management Association (BFMA). She is a frequent speaker at BFMA conferences and webinars as well as those of other associations. She was an active member of BFMA since 1982. She is the original chair of BFMA’s Forms Management Education Development Board.

Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Data Management

Evaluating GenAI on Forms Management: The Ongoing Need for Human Insight

The age of artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced rapidly with the release of tools like ChatGPT becoming available to the end user. These tools can compile information from various sources to answer questions on a wide range of topics. But how accurately can they comprehend truly complex disciplines that require years of specialized expertise?

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Blog Feature

Business Process Management (BPM)  |  Document Management

Intersection of Forms Management and Information Management

Recently, the Association for Intelligent Information Management and Business Forms Management Association announced that they have joined forces. BFMA is now a part of AIIM! Read the full press release here. As a longtime board member of BFMA and a new member of AIIM, I wanted to share why forms management matters to information management.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.