Information Management Blog

The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Data Management

Evaluating GenAI on Forms Management: The Ongoing Need for Human Insight

The age of artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced rapidly with the release of tools like ChatGPT becoming available to the end user. These tools can compile information from various sources to answer questions on a wide range of topics. But how accurately can they comprehend truly complex disciplines that require years of specialized expertise?

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Blog Feature

Business Process Management (BPM)  |  Data Management

Assessing Information Management Programs for Mergers & Acquisitions

I was curious about how organizations cope with information management during a merger and acquisition process. What I discovered when I asked our members in AIIM’s Online Community, is that it’s common during the aftermath of a merger and acquisition to be presented with a dilemma of what to do with the two different information management programs of the merging organizations.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

Data Management  |  Knowledge Management

The Growing Need for Information Literacy

Think about your organization for a moment. Is there any employee who doesn't collect, store, transform, analyze, and delete information? We all need information to be successful and help our organizations achieve better business outcomes.

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Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Data Management

Business Forms and AI

Nobody gives much thought to business forms; they just ‘are.’ As for the management of business forms, almost nobody knows that Forms Management is a ‘thing’; many likely wonder why business forms even need managing. Frankly, it’s as if business forms are unimportant, yet that could not be further from reality. They are critically important, and their centrality and importance in the world of information management and enterprise automation will likely grow exponentially over the coming years.

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Blog Feature

Data Management  |  Digital Transformation

Let’s Give Information Its Own Office

In my role as The Info Gov Guy™, I consult with clients from up and down their organizational charts: in records, IT, legal, HR, marketing, etc. What this tells me is that their employers don’t consider their information to be a core business asset – which is odd because they do acknowledge their success depends completely on their ability to quickly find and retrieve current, accurate, and properly safeguarded information.

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Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Big Data  |  Data Management  |  Knowledge Management

The Critical Role of Content Architecture in Generative AI

What is Generative AI? Generative AI has caught fire in the industry – almost every tech vendor has a ChatGPT-like offering (or claims to have one). They are claiming to use the same technology – a large language model (LLM) (actually there are many Large Language Models both open source and proprietary fine-tuned for various industries and purposes) to access and organize content knowledge of the enterprise. As with previous new technologies, LLMs are getting hyped. But what is generative AI?

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