The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Yahoo, Best Buy, and other innovation-hungry businesses are rethinking the value of remote work in their organizations. But everyone can’t work face-to-face all the time; social collaboration platforms are being called upon by a growing number of organizations to fill this gap. But there’s a difference between having social tools in place and actually using them to accelerate innovation and change within an organization. Companies need to get their teams to move beyond “Facebook” social connections and get down to business with these investments.
It’s always been a given: the sooner you convert a paper document into an electronic image, the faster, more accurately, and less expensively you can process it. Obvious though it may have been, over the 20+ years I’ve been in this business it’s not been an easy insight to act upon. In the era of MFPs (multifunction peripherals), mobile phones and, more importantly, mobile data plans, it’s easy to forget how tentative data connectivity was even a short time ago. Even in a commercial setting, banks with branches, insurers with independent brokers, in fact, any organization with far-flung activities, all had big concerns about wide-area bandwidth. Scanning of documents and sending them “over the wire” from remote locations was seen as a luxury. That perspective is changing – fast.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
There is a frenzy around big data today. But beneath the froth and the hype is this underlying and undeniable fact: big data will change the world, if companies start looking beyond the hype of the technology to learn how to put big data to work. There are two important sides to the big data story that must be understood. Right now, the focus on big data is on the technology itself and the exploding opportunities for data scientists - the "Yin." What's missing from this equation is the "Yang" -- the people who put all of this big data to some sort of business use - “Data Entrepreneurs.”
Electronic Records Management (ERM)
I recently did a webinar with Sue Trombley from Iron Mountain on the impact of the Obama Administration's records management initiative -- not just on the federal government, but on records management in general. The webinar was so much fun; I thought I would follow it up with a short series of questions with Sue. Here's the interview.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Many of you know that I really like the following diagram by Geoffrey Moore as a depiction of the changes that are going on within the content management space.
These days, it seems like everyone is utilizing social technology on mobile, laptops, or tablets for their personal lives. But, how are these technologies affecting businesses? How are social technologies being integrated with existing business processes? We've taken the highlights from our "Social in the Flow" Industry Watch and turned them into a killer infographic. Check it out, and learn: The business drivers for social media. The relationship between social media and business processes. Social media's impact on records management. Social movers and shakers.