The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Certified Information Professional (CIP)
Good news - we’ve updated Certified Information Professional (CIP) exam! For the last six months, a group of very experienced subject matter experts has been revising the CIP exam, program, and training. With any change comes questions, so I thought I would take some time to answer some of the ones I’m sure you’re asking.
Certified Information Professional (CIP)
I am very pleased to announce that the Certified Information Professional (CIP) exam has been approved for reimbursement under the Veterans Education Benefit program for Licensing and Certification reimbursements administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - aka the GI Bill.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Certified Information Professional (CIP)
Once you stop learning, you start dying. -- Albert Einstein By now, you’ve probably heard all the statistics on how much information we create, how much faster we create it, and how much harder it is to manage. While these statistics are all true, there’s an opportunity for information professionals in all this chaos. Organizations desperately need someone to help them clean up their digital landfills. But where do you begin?
AIIM on Air | Certified Information Professional (CIP)
Test...Quiz...Exam...How do these words make you feel? For many, the mere mention of them is enough to conjure up feelings of anxiety, stress, and pressure. You don't often hear people say, "I LOVE taking tests." At AIIM, we know tests can be downright scary. But, we also know the power of preparation and understanding. A lot of times, fear comes from the unknown - in the case of a test, not knowing what to expect, not knowing if you're prepared, and just overall fear of failure from not knowing enough.
AIIM Community | Certified Information Professional (CIP)
Why choose certification? For me, it's about proof (to myself and employers) of my expertise. The Certified Information Professional (CIP) started with a group of industry experts and focus groups that worked together to define the body of knowledge necessary for information professionals to be successful in the digital economy. From there, AIIM worked to build a certification exam based upon this body of knowledge - and the CIP was born. Fast forward to the present day, and the list of CIPs is growing daily and from all over the globe.
Certified Information Professional (CIP)
I am pleased to announce that we have introduced another exam option for CIP candidates. To recap, there are now three ways you can take the CIP exam: At any Kryterion exam center world-wide. At an AIIM-taught CIP prep course. Online proctored via Kryterion. Online proctoring has been available for years, but has sometimes suffered from confusion with online certificate programs and the perception that "it's just an online exam." I've shared that sentiment myself; at the same time, I completed about 35% of my bachelor's degree online in 2001, and in 2018 there is any number of programs, including master's degree programs that are 100% online.