The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Forgive the David Bowie riff. By now, many of you have seen the official announcement of my transition to a different set of responsibilities – and opportunities – here at AIIM. Given that my posts on this blog have often been a combination of information management observations and embarrassing mentions of my kids, with a bit of bizarre humor thrown in – and given that many of my posts have taken the form of “8 things you need to know about X” -- I thought I would not break form today.
Information Security | Privacy
Does the privacy of your personal information worry you? Consider the following from Bruce Schneier’s Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World: “Surveillance is the business model of the Internet for two primary reasons: people like free, and people like convenient. The truth is, though, that people aren’t given much of a choice. It’s either surveillance or nothing, and the surveillance is conveniently invisible, so you don’t have to think about it.”
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
I am so excited about this year’s keynotes at AIIM Conference. They directly tie to the core rationale for the ENTIRE event -- and for that matter, the core reason why AIIM exists.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
I live in the Washington, DC, area. That admission is the first step on the 12 step recovery process from Snow Panic Addiction. Washington, DC LOVES nothing better than a snow panic. We close our schools, not when there is snow on the ground, but when it is still 200 miles away.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
During 2015, we set out early on to be much more aggressive in telling the “content management story” in the marketplace. I’m very proud of some of the bylined pieces I did during 2015. The following are a sample.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
The votes are in, and here are the top five AIIM Community blog posts published in 2015 (published in 2015, and measured by views):