The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
I would like to introduce myself to those who do not know me. I am Anthony Peleska, CIO of Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and Chairman of the AIIM Board of Directors. As a CIO and technology leader, I became involved with AIIM to help myself, my team and my organization understand and tackle the challenges we face with people, process, information, and technology. The insight we have gained and partners we have developed through AIIM have helped us increase our profits, decrease our technology budget spending and mitigate risk at a variety of levels. Our success has fueled a passion that I want to share with others, to help them tackle the business challenges they face today through involvement with AIIM.
Like many of you, I’ve been wondering what on earth has happened to the way we talk to and about each other. Watching the political fray, especially over the past few weeks, I can’t help but think back to my days at AEA running their policy programs in the late 80s and early 90s. Granted, at the time, technology was the golden boy of the lobbying circuit. But even with that, there was a certain respect that existed between people of opposing views, and a willingness to work together with people of widely varying viewpoints. The final outcome wasn’t always pretty (it hardly ever was) and it wasn’t ever the chosen one for each and every participant in the process, but was the optimal outcome for the group. There were certain things you did and didn’t do during the process. And there was a sense that while progress was slow, there was progress being made.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Forgive the David Bowie riff. By now, many of you have seen the official announcement of my transition to a different set of responsibilities – and opportunities – here at AIIM. Given that my posts on this blog have often been a combination of information management observations and embarrassing mentions of my kids, with a bit of bizarre humor thrown in – and given that many of my posts have taken the form of “8 things you need to know about X” -- I thought I would not break form today.
On January 30, 2006, Terry Menta and AIIM’s Jesse Wilkins were standing in front of a classroom of 8 students at a community college in San Francisco. They were there to teach AIIM’s very first public training course. The subject was Electronic Records Management.
For AIIM, 2015 was full of new endeavors, hard work, and celebration. This has been quite an exciting year for us, with new events, a new training course, and lots of new friends made along the way. The most important thing in the world to us is our community. That’s why the theme of 2015 here at AIIM was “Personal Connections,” us connecting with you and you connecting with each other.
AIIM Community | Document Management
I thought I’d summarize some of the press I see about the iManage spinout from HP. If you come across other updates, feel free to enter them in the comments. I have to admit from the perspective of an association that relies on independent companies as members; I’m kind of glad to see the acquisition pendulum go in the other direction for a change. We don’t take official positions on these types of things, but it does seem to be a win/win for both HP and iManage.