The AIIM Blog

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Capture and Imaging  |  Sharepoint and Office 365

8 Key Things to Consider When It Comes to Getting Paper into SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint is sweeping through organizations, serving as a powerful catalyst for the benefits of enterprise content management (ECM), which include not just managing content, but also collaboration and process automation. In some cases, it has pushed companies to seriously consider leveraging SharePoint as the first step towards ECM. For other companies, it has been more about how SharePoint needs to coexist with current systems. While SharePoint has brought ECM to the masses in a simple and easy-to-deploy way, one question that looms large is: How do I get my paper into SharePoint so that I can transform it from a liability into an immediate business advantage? To answer that question requires careful consideration of the eight key points outlined here.

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Blog Feature

Capture and Imaging  |  Document Management

8 Factors to Consider When Preparing to Implement a Data Capture System

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

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Capture and Imaging  |  Document Management  |  Sharepoint and Office 365

8 Hot Trends in Document Imaging, Scanning, and Capture

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Blog Feature

Capture and Imaging  |  Document Management

8 Reasons to Consider a Document Management Service Company as Part of Your Information Strategy

Document Management Service Companies are the Rodney Dangerfield of the ECM industry -- they just don't get no respect. Or maybe a better way of saying this is that they are the great hidden treasure of the document management industry.

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Blog Feature

Capture and Imaging  |  Document Management

8 Things You Need to Know about Automating Document Indexing

1. Choose Your Battles Just because you have purchased a great new scanning/capture/data entry automation application doesn't mean that it makes sense to automate every type of document under the sun. Sure, you may feel empowered to spend the time or money required to automate the indexing of that quarterly report that is generated only four times per year, but that would be analogous to hunting for quail with a bazooka. Make sure that you look at the feasibility and return on investment before jumping into projects. Always take the automation projects with the highest & fastest ROI first and pass on the low or negative net present value projects.

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Blog Feature

Capture and Imaging  |  Sharepoint and Office 365

8 Things You Should Know about Transactional Processing in SharePoint

SharePoint is making inroads as an ECM or Records Management system, primarily because of its document library features, price, and integration with Office. But, for SharePoint to move beyond that and become the system to do document-centric transactional processing, you’ll need to customize and plan your SharePoint installation more carefully.

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