The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Capture and Imaging | Information Security
A typical document imaging system is creating four major vulnerabilities that substantially increase the potential for data theft and violations of information management regulations: Not encrypting the data while it's in motion. Unsecured log files. Poor visibility into operator activities. Poor security management. New technology can help mitigate the above risks. I'm not here to sell you a system, I'm here to sell you an approach to a system. I'm telling you that if you're sitting on years old document scanning system, you're probably at risk, and it's time for you to look for a system. Get out your legal pad. Get out your pen and get ready to write down the four things I'm about to tell you to look for in a new document scanning system.
Capture and Imaging | Information Security
Despite all of the investments you're making at the macro level, despite all the efforts that your IT department is doing on your behalf, there's a gap in your information security systems, and it is in the unlikeliest of places - your document scanning and data capture systems. Your information on-ramp is leaving you vulnerable to the bad guys. A typical document imaging system is creating four major vulnerabilities that substantially increase the potential for data theft and violations of information management regulations.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Capture and Imaging | Information Security
Think your scanned images are safe? Think again! As we begin 2016, the biggest threat to your business probably isn't the proverbial competitor down the street. It's someone who wants to take advantage of your corporate information. We know that a growing number of businesses and government entities have already become cyber war victims.
Capture and Imaging | Mobile | Paperless Office
The twin drivers for change in the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) world are mobile and cloud. Mobile technologies unlock access to content on the move, capture to cloud, capture to process, remote workflows, and cloud-based collaboration. But, with any change comes new challenges. There are still many issues to resolve between traditional back-office systems and new cloud and mobile solutions like hybrid options. How is mobile changing how you capture and create process-based content? Let's take a look at what the data is telling us:
Capture and Imaging | Paperless Office
Organizations have been scanning paper into digital archives for a long time. The struggle to get rid of paper is not a new one. What's new is that "capture" can be so much more than just scanning paper - businesses can leverage this captured information and act on this knowledge. The focus of information capture is shifting from something that is often done after the fact (often for archiving purposes) to something that is done much closer to the point of information creation (largely for information entering from outside the organization) – as part of the launch of a business process. Below, we've compiled the statistics from AIIM's independent research study on capture and scanning that best illustrate this shift in focus.
Capture and Imaging | Digital Transformation | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
As we start to think about #AIIM15, I thought I would ask a number of our sponsors a few identical questions in order to get an understanding of how they see the future of our industry -- and let those of you attending start to think about your own questions to ask them in San Diego. Here are the three questions I'll ask: What are the three biggest challenges you see your customers facing while trying to “Embrace the Chaos”? What do you see as the three most important trends related to Information Management facing organizations over the next 18-24 months? What will be different in our industry two years from now? What are the three most important things attendees should know about your company?