The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

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Enterprise 2.0  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)  |  Social Media

8 Things to Consider for a Successful Multi-Touchpoint Customer Experience

Consumers use several sources of information before making purchase decisions – they may seek independent opinions, speak to customer service agents, or examine goods physically. And they are accessing information via myriad touch points, including mobile devices, social networks or company websites. Companies recognize this, but consumers consistently rate satisfaction levels for cross-channel experiences as poor, so there is a disconnect. It is hard enough to ensure that a website delivers an excellent user experience. When you factor in the vast number of web-enabled mobile devices, companies face a huge challenge in creating a consistent and personalized experience for every user. Social media adds additional touch points and complexity.

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)  |  PDF  |  Productivity

8 Ways to Enhance Knowledge Worker Productivity

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

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Change Management  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)  |  Project Planning and Management

8 Reasons to Consider a Center of Excellence

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

Enterprise IT vs. Consumer IT

Where has the action been in technology over the past decade? I can tell you one thing for certain. It has been in a very different place than it was during the early stages of my professional career. For most of my career, the action has been in PC-centric applications and solutions that were delivered by the IT gods and goddesses at the organizations for which I worked. I have been lucky to work for some pretty flexible organizations, but most of the time, I was a pretty good corporate citizen even without mandates or restrictions. It was rare that I would covet some piece of software or hardware from home and wish I could get it at work. Enterprise IT was a pretty cool place.

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Blog Feature

Enterprise Content Management (ECM)  |  Information Security  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

8 Ways Your Organization Can Improve Efficiency, Increase Productivity, and Reduce Risk

Why You Need an Information Strategy For many years, organizations have survived by "winging it" when it comes to information management.

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Blog Feature

Information Governance  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)  |  Sharepoint and Office 365

8 Reasons You Need a Strategy for Managing Information (Before It’s Too Late)

A tidal wave of information. A study by IDC a few years back concluded that there are currently 281 billion exabytes of information in the Digital Universe. So how much is this? Well…an exabyte is a million million megabytes. Thanks a lot. To put it in a bit of perspective, a small novel contains about a megabyte of information. So, in other words, the Digital Universe is equal to 12 stacks of novels (fewer if the chosen novel is a big fat one like Harry Potter 6 or one of those Ken Follett Pillars of the Earth deals) stretching from the earth to the sun. So it’s a big number, whatever it is. But I think the way to think about this is to note that IDC concludes that 30% of this information is business-related. And it concludes that the overall quantity of information will grow by a factor of 10 between 2006 and 2011. The point here is that it is not unrealistic to think that your employees – who currently say they are overwhelmed by the volume of information they must manage and who currently say they spend hours each day just dealing with email – will need to manage 10X as much information in the near future.

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