The AIIM Blog
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Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
1. You Can Get Started on an ECM Project – NOW. Need to get an ECM project moving now--even if you don't have much budget today? Open source ECM offerings let companies get started with early requirements research, prototyping, and piloting just with a simple download and installation. In the spirit of community, of transparency, of truly believing that ECM is a critical platform for any customer in the 21st-century knowledge economy, open-source ECM vendors actually want you to get moving forward on a project.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
In the later part of 2008, OASIS announced the formation of a committee to develop the Content Management Interoperability Standard (CMIS), designed to standardize a web services interface specification that will enable interoperability of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. EMC, IBM, and Microsoft lead the way by developing the initial draft for the standard. Other ECM vendors such as Alfresco, Open Text, Oracle, and SAP reviewed the draft and provided comments before advancing the standard through the standardization process. Here are eight reasons why CMIS will transform the ECM industry:
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Enterprise Search | Sharepoint and Office 365
SharePoint supports document searching out-of-the box, but with some simple customizations, you can greatly improve the findability of documents.
Archiving | Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
With the vast number of disparate systems in an organization, along with their relative complexity and enormous amounts of data, ECM migrations can be daunting. This brief list of eight considerations in undertaking an ECM migration is meant to provide a common-sense approach to addressing the process.
Electronic Records Management (ERM) | Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Information Governance
Before getting started with an implementation, and way before moving onto the eight secrets, it is useful to recall why you are considering a content or records management implementation in the first place and to confirm there's a commitment to proceed. This kind of "strategic mobilization" should kick off any ECM or ERM project. To do this effectively, organizations should gather sponsors and stakeholders, identify the team that will lead the project, understand what the vision of the sponsor of the project is, and understand where significant gaps are likely to arise.
Electronic Records Management (ERM) | Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Sharepoint and Office 365
1. Determine SharePoint’s role in the organization. For some companies, SharePoint is the chosen collaboration and social networking engine, where all collaborative content resides in SharePoint. For others, SharePoint is more of an end-user experience and Intranet platform. If you are implementing SharePoint with another ECM solution, it's critical to identify what role SharePoint will truly have in your organization to ensure proper planning for the implementation. There are several features within SharePoint that need to be taken into consideration before you implement. For example: What aspects of the Microsoft Office integration are or will be deployed? What areas of overlap exist between SharePoint and the ECM solution? Will SharePoint be the primary access point for all content or one of multiple access points? What vendor integration capabilities are provided? How does SharePoint fit into the corporate records management program? The more that can be identified before the deployment, the lower the implementation costs will be. The project charter should identify the reasoning behind the decision to combine the technologies.