The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

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Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

15 Great How-to Guides and Checklists to Help You Survive InfoChaos

Information (documents, emails, videos, podcasts, voicemails, texts, tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn conversations, customer analytics, etc.) surrounds us. We rely on this information for entertainment and to do our jobs. Access by employees to information and manipulation by companies of their customer information to serve customer needs is THE competitive advantage today. Better information equals better results. The problem? That information is everywhere and not always managed effectively. By managed we mean channeled towards some business outcome. We use the phrase “Information Chaos” to describe this ongoing and accelerating state of massive information disruption. Take back control and tame your Information Chaos with this round-up of the best free content on Intelligent Information Management. Enjoy! 1. Build an Effective Social Business Strategy in 8 Steps Can you share information without compromising security or control? All it takes is one rogue Twitter or Facebook post to deliver a significant blow to your brand image. While you can’t be cavalier about who says what in your organization’s name, neither can you lock down access to social media outlets. So what's the solution? Establish a social media policy to proactively guide your employees on leveraging social business while protecting your organization. DOWNLOAD

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

10 InfoChaos Insights from the Big Bang of Social, Economic, Political and Evolutionary Change

As many of you know, well-known futurist Thornton May (and a former AIIM Board Chair) is one of the keynote speakers at The AIIM Conference 2014 (April 1-4, in Orlando). Thornton is one of those keynote speakers you won’t forget – suffice it to say, he is not a shy person! I usually start my research for introductions at Conferences not by looking at all the boring CV/Resume data points about schools and jobs, but rather by looking at things a speaker has actually said and whether these things jar my conventional assumptions. With Thornton, there is no shortage of great quotes.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

Enterprise Content Management (ECM)  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

Defining the Future of Content Management: Evolution of an Industry

We recently convened an AIIM Board Task Force to think about the evolution of content management, and more specifically, how we define and talk about this industry and AIIM’s role in it.

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

120 Technology Predictions for 2013 (Plus Ten of My Own)

In an earlier post (2013 Predictions -- Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement -- What Comes Next?) I talked about the next steps in the "collision" between Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. That got me thinking about all of the other "prediction" posts relative to technology. I have to admit; I love these posts. So following a quick recap of my own predictions re SoR and SoE, you will find 120 (yes 120) predictions from posts I found interesting. This, of course, is not to imply that I've found them all. Most likely not. So if you know of some I've missed, add the link in the comments, and I'll add them to the list. (Updates to the original post in italics.)

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Blog Feature

Certified Information Professional (CIP)  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

How to Future Proof Your Information Management Career

Technology has always been fast-moving, but it seems that there is a “perfect storm” of change right now. Cloud, mobile, social and big data are forces that create dramatic opportunities for improved business process, better employee collaboration and closer customer engagement. Meanwhile, content overload, security, litigation and compliance create huge potential risks for most organizations.

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

2013 Predictions – Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement – What Comes Next?

As many readers know, about two years ago a Task Force of AIIM members worked with Geoffrey Moore (author of Crossing the Chasm, among many titles) to build out a "future history" of the content industry. The intention was to think about how enterprise information technology was changing in the wake of the influx of consumer technologies.

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