The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Electronic Records Management (ERM)
What is the value of Records and Information Management? To help answer that, take a quick mental inventory of all the technologies your organization utilizes that interact in some way with organizational information. Think about technology like email, personal computers, the web, smart phones, social media, etc. Think about all of the information captured, stored, and created using those technologies.
Electronic Records Management (ERM)
Records can be vital to the business. That means the management of records is something that needs great care, attention, and planning. Although not a new concept, the game has somewhat changed in recent years as the way records are created and what is considered a record has evolved. Virtually all new records are created electronically today – they are what we call “born digital.” Whether a record is in the format of a letter, an email, fax, a web, or other transaction, the chances are today that it originally was created with one or more computers. This is a situation that has crept up on us relatively fast and unnoticed by some organizations in records management terms at least.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Business Process Management (BPM) | Process Automation
Times change. And that's one of the biggest reasons there's now a resurgence in business process management. Globally, firms are reaching a point where they don't feel they can eke out any more efficiencies from their current processes. At the same time, they understand that new entrants are coming into the marketplace with dramatically different business models. In the insurance industry, for example, companies such as Progressive have developed an online Internet service that has had an obvious impact on older insurance companies and their business model. Examples like that exist throughout this industry, and just about every industry throughout the world. New competitors come online and throw a "spanner in the works" to existing business models. Times change, and organizations have to change with them.
The international standard on records management, ISO 15489 defines migration as the: "Act of moving records from one system to another, while maintaining the records' authenticity, integrity, reliability, and usability." But, migration is much broader than just records. Essentially, any time a legacy system is decommissioned, it should be reviewed to determine: What information is stored there? Does this information still need to be actively accessible?
Even though I’ve been an AIIM staff for more than 9 years, I continue to pay for my AIIM+ membership out of my own pocket. So it’s pretty obvious that I see the value of AIIM+, but you’re here to figure out if it’s worth it for YOU. My goal with this article is to give you a transparent look at both the pros and cons of an AIIM+ membership.
“It’s 2020,” you might be thinking, “Who needs associations?” Associations and professional memberships can often be thought of as a relic of the past or a resume builder, but not as a valuable personal development tool. For an introvert, I’m a pretty social, member-y kinda guy. I’ve been a paid professional member of both AIIM and ARMA for nearly 20 years. I’ve held memberships in lots of other different groups and associations over the years. And I’ve even been a member of the United States Marine Corps Drill Instructor Association since 1993.