The AIIM Blog
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Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Here are my ECM and Records Management Predictions for 2011. You're encouraged to hum along the 12 Days of Christmas as you go through this list.
Managed Print Services, or MPS, as the name implies, is managing the office print and copy process as a service. You either do it yourself or outsource to a trusted service provider. MPS helps centralize the print and copy responsibility for the entire office in order to make smarter decisions across the company. A well-run MPS program can save time, money and improve productivity if done right.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
In December 2009, I published an article explaining the eight reasons why CMIS will transform the ECM industry. In May 2010, the initial version of the CMIS standard was released by OASIS. In the last few months I have been asked by several people of what my opinion is now, looking back at my thought-provoking predictions that I made in this article one year previously. So it’s time for me to reflect on these statements and to state 8 reasons why 2011 will be the year of CMIS:
Here are just a few of my favorites moments in document management from the last year.
According to our in-house analyst, Doug Miles, "Offices are at last using less paper. Although still growing in 27% of organizations, in 39%, paper usage is finally starting to fall. However, the strongest drivers for scanning and capture are not savings on paper storage space but improved searchability and knowledge sharing, followed by productivity improvements in document-centric business processes. Nearly 40% of the organizations surveyed reported investment payback within 12 months of implementing systems. We also compare strategies for outsourcing, centralized scanning, and distributed scanning, and look at levels of capture integration with other enterprise systems."
Data Management | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Adapted from Information-Driven Business: How to Manage Data and Information for Maximum Advantage, by Robert Hillard. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Everyone recognizes the need to get more value from their information assets. The following are eight things for an Information-Driven Business to consider.