The AIIM Blog
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Over the last few months, AIIM has gathered hundreds of product ratings from industry professionals and users of Capture software. We will make the results available in a report we are developing with well-known industry analyst Harvey Spencer.
Cloud | Document Management | Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
1. Reduction in Paper Santa receives millions and millions of letters each year and has always done his part when it comes to recycling. However, an online document management system that accepts uploaded letters and stores emails will take Santa’s green initiatives one step further by eliminating the need for paper altogether. The cumulative impact on reducing global warming will make the polar bears very happy!
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
With the explosion of content in the enterprise, findability has become a major concern for most organizations. Tens of millions of documents can be scattered between multiple file systems, databases and content management applications. Each application has a different access method and no common interface exists for a user who needs a piece of knowledge to get their job done. Putting all of this content in a common location and providing an interface to find this data is the job of enterprise search.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Enterprise Content Management has become a critical strategic business process, due in part to increasingly stringent legislation and aggressive litigation. To meet this challenge, some organizations take a do-it-yourself approach, letting their in-house IT department build an ECM system from scratch or using ostensibly cheap tools. Inevitably, this only complicates matters and leads to greater expense with an inordinate amount of time spent on research and development, testing and debugging, and on-going support. When ECM is viewed as a technology system and managed as an IT project rather than as a management-led information governance initiative, the resulting implementation may lack the necessary security features and functionality to ensure regulatory compliance and discovery protection.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Enterprise Search | Metadata
1. No One Wants Unfettered Information Unless your IT budgets are growing faster than your enterprise content volumes, you need an approach to manage, surface, and control information that does not mandate adding more storage, staff, or restrictions. The systems responsible for content understand nothing about the subject or domain of information under their management. Search engines, content management systems, process engines are all blind to meaning and context. In real life, the meaning of a piece of information determines its usefulness, relevance, and treatment. Semantics add a layer of intelligence by describing what the content is about, using structured data – a.k.a. metadata. Metadata can be used to drive workflows, archiving policy, search, compliance, access control, and discovery.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
AIIM and nine leading companies in the content and information management space have been working with noted author Geoffrey Moore (Dealing with Darwin, Crossing the Chasm, Inside the Tornado, The Gorilla Game and Living on the Fault Line) over the past three months to develop a consistent vision of the future of content management.