The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

Blog Feature

Change Management

Understanding the Types of Organizational Change

Change is hard, but not impossible. Understanding how change works, considering how people will react to change, and planning a thoughtful roll-out are all ways to ease the burden of change. It’s a practice called Change Management, and for organizational change, it can be your key to success. It’s also important to recognize that not every change situation can be managed in the same way. An important first step in enacting change is to understand which type of change your change management project falls under. In organizations, change can be grouped into two broad categories – transformational and transitional.

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Blog Feature

Change Management

Do I Need Change Management? Four Common Situations

How Do I Know I Need Change Management? The funny thing about Change Management is that it’s one of those things that you probably don’t know exists until you need it. Yes, I know that’s an odd thing to say, but hear me out on this. With change management, here’s a very common scenario leading to awareness.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

How to Manage Information - Growing Your Own Success

Here at AIIM, we believe that information is a business asset. Your information has the potential to help you digitally transform and understand, anticipate, and redefine experiences for your customers. But, information is a different type of asset. An asset like money is much more straight-forward because it’s easy to see its value and easy to understand. Your information is much different in that it needs attention in order to become an asset.

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Blog Feature

Email Management

Things You Can Do To Effectively Manage Your Emails

In times of social distancing and remote work, email has become one of the primary communication lines for businesses. In fact, the average American user receives around 126 emails on a normal day. However, with so much activity going on, it’s no secret that inboxes can become cluttered quite easily. If you want to be efficient when it comes to your incoming emails and replies, here are some things you can do:

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Blog Feature

Automation  |  Electronic Records Management (ERM)  |  Information Governance

Records Management Vs. Information Governance - It's AND not OR

When the dominant terminologies to describe a problem change, there is often a corresponding confusion in the roles that individuals play. In the broader content space, we experienced some of this disorientation as the core language used shifted from “ECM” to “Content Services,” and then with the incorporation of “Content Services” into the broader framework of “Intelligent Information Management.” This same terminology disorientation has been true in the governance arena as well, with varying uses and interpretations of “Records Management” and “Information Governance.” The confusion has left some organizations asking, “Do we need Records Managers, or do we need Information Governance professionals?”

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Blog Feature

AIIM on Air  |  Digital Transformation  |  Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

[Podcast] Exploring the New Norm of IIM in State and Local Government

More and more records managers in state and local government operations tell me that their job is changing. In addition to stacks and stacks of scanned files, and a confluence of different types of electronic files, the inclusion of audio and video records are becoming more and more common. Indeed, many managers now must capture, store, and manage things like audio from 911 dispatch, police camera footage, and other documentary evidence that fall outside the typical scope of “records.”

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