The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Low-code Development Platform | Process Automation
Why Business Automation Matters Business process management is an essential part of a growing business. Without it, organizations could face low customer satisfaction, lack of communication, and a higher chance of error. By letting computers take care of menial, repetitive day-to-day tasks, automation can save businesses money and time. Without the human component in handling data, there is a lower chance of error. And with the reduced hours of labor, employees can concentrate on delivering more important and fulfilling tasks. Workflow efficiency through automation can generate more revenue while decreasing expenditures, giving businesses stability, and saving them money. The most important benefit of business workflow management is the increase in customer satisfaction. The time saved through automation can be invested in improving their experience. Faster task completions, more attentive staff, and greater resources are always appreciated by customers. Higher revenues and faster business growth can be achieved through automation.
Collaboration | Sharepoint and Office 365
You know that saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? It’s something I try to live by. I’m a self-proclaimed eternal optimist and always try to look for the positive in everything. If you do it often enough, you’ll soon find that there is always a positive way to look at things. It won’t always turn the bad completely good, but it will always put a positive spin on it and make it easier to handle. Finding even a glimmer of hope through positivity can be enough to pull you through. This year, life didn’t just give us lemons; it basically gave us a sea of lemons. The unexpected COVID crisis hit and changed…well, everything. In business, organizations were forced to rethink how they view remote work, remote workers, and the systems used to support them. And for the majority, we were unprepared: Only 34% of the organizations surveyed reported that their organization was “very prepared” for remote work prior to COVID.* Today we’re going to look at this overwhelming sea of life’s lemons and see if we can’t squeeze out at least a glass of lemonade!
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Over the past several years, I've had the pleasure of interviewing hundreds of guests for AIIM On Air. It never fails to impress me that the level of knowledge and leadership among AIIM members and supporters is the best in the business. Each month we cover a variety of topics – from the latest in automation and innovation, to pressing and emerging challenges and opportunities that tell the story of the current state of IIM today.
Change Management Principles Why do so many organizations struggle with implementing change? Is it bad tactical plans? Poor strategy? A lack of focus from senior leadership? Many times, it boils down to people – the human side of change. Careful consideration and planning for your company’s culture, values, people, and behaviors could help separate your project from the majority that fail. An intimate understanding of the human side of your change can be achieved through Change Management. Today we're going to look at the principles of Change Management as they are covered in AIIM's training. Some excerpts from the training will even be used to help in explaining these principles.
AIIM on Air | Accounting and Finance | Low-code Development Platform
It’s no secret that the continuing coronavirus pandemic has disrupted businesses everywhere, and the financial services industry is no exception. Indeed, the financial services industry is at a tipping point—either disrupt or get disrupted. Even before Covid-19, many areas within banking and capital markets were already experiencing serious existential threats. The industry is being transformed. What is the future of the banking industry in 2021 and beyond?
Sometimes, change is natural. The caterpillar changing to a butterfly, the tadpole changing to a frog – these types of changes happen all the time in nature. Yet, change in business can feel anything but natural. And it’s not just at your place of business. According to McKinsey research, “nearly 70% of change programs fail to achieve their goals, largely due to employee resistance and lack of management support.” That’s a powerful stat. It tells us not only that most change projects fail; it even gives us insight into why. It’s the people side of change.