The AIIM Blog
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AIIM on Air | Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
We're now operating twenty years into a new millennium. But despite the futuristic potential, many organizations continue to operate with systems and software that are a decade or more behind the times. Organizations that continue to operate in the past will be challenged to keep pace today – and in the future.
Each year brings a rapid increase in technological advancements that can benefit both your personal and professional life. Constant tech advancements can make it feel hard to keep up with competing businesses if your company isn't adapting fast enough. In this day and age, digital transformations are integral for a growing business's future, as technology changes the advancements and operations of every company. In fact, 40% of all business technology spending will go towards these changes, and, as of 2018, advanced analytics was the greatest form of digital investment, and there were plans to increase similar solution investments by 75% over the course of the next several months.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Information Governance | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Too often, I hear IIM professionals complain about this issue. "People aren't reading our IIM policy," they say. "I wish our organization forced everybody to read the policy. That way they would know what the IIM requirements are." My response is always the same: Given the choice, 99% of the people in your organization will never read your IIM policy. Get used to it. That is not going to change. It's not a bad thing.
Capture and Imaging | Paperless Office
The concept of a digital mailroom has been around a while. The idea is pretty simple - all incoming mail is scanned on entry and delivered electronically to the appropriate department or process. In reality, only mail with business value is likely to be processed. This will predominantly be documents with a structure such as forms, orders, invoices, delivery dockets, and vouchers.
The large-scale and lasting impacts of a digital transformation will influence your company for decades to come. Going digital is not merely about adopting present practices - it is a step into the future, aligning your business model and company's methods with the format that is solidifying itself as the new standard.
Cloud computing is an expanding technology that is leading the digital transformation of businesses in various sectors. The strategies that organizations take in their cloud journey can give them a competitive advantage and lead to rapid growth. But this may not only mean a simple deployment of technology that the company must adapt to, a new cloud approach could be truly transformative.