The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Information Governance | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Every so often, IIM practitioners and lawyers cross paths. One such intersection is around policy writing. As practitioners modify and improve their IIM policies, it's important to keep in mind how those policies specifically relate to the law. Understanding that relationship better will help IIM and legal specialists work together more effectively.
Workplace automation is starting to become the norm for modern corporations. With automation enabling massive improvements in talent acquisition, employee recruitment, and customer service, it's no surprise that more and more enterprises are jumping on the automation bandwagon. Let's take a deeper look into how workplace automation leads to increased efficiency and profitability.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
AIIM on Air | Electronic Records Management (ERM)
We're packing in the fun with this month's podcast episode by exploring 3 important intelligent information management topics. First, we ask - What’s it like to be a Records Officer at a major college or university? To find out, we talked to Samara Carter, Records Officer at George Mason University who joins us for another AIIM Member Spotlight interview. She stops by the show to share what it’s like to work in records at George Mason, the biggest information challenges she’s working on right now, and her thoughts on being an AIIM member.
Blockchain is one of the most important new technologies that has impacted the business world in the last decade. Along with cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotic process automation (RPA), blockchain is transforming business operations and challenging traditional methods the world over. For those who are considering adoption for one of its many applications, blockchain can hold great promise.
Automation | Process Automation
As Information Professionals, we’re facing a perfect storm of sorts - as information chaos continues to grow, so does the value of this information. Information is now cascading down on every organization in unprecedented volumes and forms, challenging traditional and manual concepts of records management and information stewardship.
“It’s 2020,” you might be thinking, “Who needs associations?” Associations and professional memberships can often be thought of as a relic of the past or a resume builder, but not as a valuable personal development tool. For an introvert, I’m a pretty social, member-y kinda guy. I’ve been a paid professional member of both AIIM and ARMA for nearly 20 years. I’ve held memberships in lots of other different groups and associations over the years. And I’ve even been a member of the United States Marine Corps Drill Instructor Association since 1993.