The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

Blog Feature

AIIM Community

Hi AIIM, I'm Tori. It's Nice to Meet You.

Last September, I had just picked up my youngest child from daycare when I received an eagerly awaited phone call. If you have ever been in a car with a squirming, squalling toddler, you know that it’s not an environment conducive to hearing. However, I am nearly certain that I was told that the Search Committee and AIIM Board of Directors had selected me as AIIM’s next President and CEO. I am thrilled that I didn’t mishear and have now joined this special organization.

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Blog Feature

AIIM Community

AIIM Names Tori Miller Liu Chief Executive Officer

The Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), the world’s leading association dedicated to the information management industry and its practice, announced today that it has appointed Tori Miller Liu as its next Chief Executive Officer, effective December 1, 2022. She replaces Peggy Winton who, earlier this year, announced her decision to step down after serving in this position for seven years.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

AIIM Community

Always Leave a Party When you're Having Fun

At a recent holiday gathering (of triple-vaxxed friends/family), I was reminded of advice from my very elegant and wise grandmother: “Always leave a party when you’re having fun.” Since I’m still having a blast at the AIIM party, now is the ideal time for me to make my way to the exit, passing the presidential baton enroute. That’s right. I promised myself that I would serve only two, 3-year terms in the CEO role, yet here I am, happily beginning the third. I believe in executive term limits, so I had best be honoring my own vow.

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Blog Feature

AIIM Community

AIIM Announces New Directors for the 2022 Board

Two new directors elected by members of the association

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Blog Feature

AIIM Community

Everything You Need to Know About AIIM+

I’ll save you from having to read another contrived word about how difficult the last year was. And it was, without a doubt, difficult. Instead, I want to focus on one of my favorite positives to come out of the pandemic – the “Covid Hobby” phenomenon.

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Blog Feature

AIIM Community  |  Change Management

Change Management - Still the Top Problem Facing End Users in 2021?

The new year always brings with it a handful of important questions around the AIIM Community. What are the key trends in information management? What are the top challenges to overcome? More importantly, what are the best practices and strategies to overcome them?

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