The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
In early October 2023, AIIM partnered with the AIIM Florida Chapter to host the AIIM Solutions Showcase & Strategy Summit in Tampa, Florida. This new event concept highlighted a local chapter and community while creating greater accessibility to AIIM's leadership and strategy. This terrific event was well attended and featured some great education. It emphasized the importance of knowledge sharing and relationship building in a community of practice. Here are my top takeaways from the event.
AIIM Community | Collaboration | Human Resources | Women in Information Management (WIIM)
In honor of Pride Month in June, I wanted to share some thoughts about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the information management industry.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
AIIM Community | Human Resources | Market Intelligence
AIIM has been discussing the next generation of information management leaders and how the industry can better attract and retain young professionals quite a lot in 2023, and with good reason.
AIIM Community | AIIM Conference | Market Intelligence
I was in Brazil recently to keynote the Information Show in Sao Paulo. Traveling to and speaking at Information Management conferences is endlessly fascinating. One might think that, except for language and location, Brazilian information management professional would be similar to their counterparts in North America and Europe, and in some regards, they are, but the differences can be surprising.
When Tony invited me to write a guest blog for AIIM, I planned to write a techie piece on the latest document AI news. I was even tempted to ask ChatGPT to write one in the style of Monty Python. You’ll be pleased to know that moment of temporary insanity quickly passed. Instead of techie talk, I would like to tell you a story about the secret value of AIIM and why I think it’s vital that we all pitch in and help Tori Miller Liu and the team to move AIIM forward.
AIIM Community | AIIM Conference
Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'. When Bob Dylan wrote his famous song “The Times They Are a-Changin” in 1963, it was an anthem for the era and the civil rights movement. Dylan’s ageless lyrics still resonate today as we navigate political, economic, societal, and technological changes. The information management industry is also undergoing pivotal change due to AI, increasing information chaos, emerging workplace trends, and changing demographics.