The AIIM Blog

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Document Management

Wanted: Practical Document Management Advice for Small Companies

Going back a few years, I used this chart from Geoffrey Moore from Dealing With Darwin – internally, we call it the two-humped camel jpeg -- to talk about some of the changes occurring in the enterprise IT space, and more specifically, in the content management space.

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Blog Feature

Automation  |  Document Management

5 Myths Regarding Document Automation

All organizations produce documents, some even hundreds or thousands a day. Information contained in these documents is often vital to business – from producing sales quotations, policy, and procedure documents to employment or legal contracts. While some content in these documents will change, other aspects, such as its structure and how it is formatted, may not. In other words, many documents contain repetitive content that changes little from one document to the next and variable content that must be accurately personalized. Document automation can streamline the creation of the simplest or most complex corporate document, but many companies are confused by how it works. Below are five myths organizations need to think about when considering how they handle document creation.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

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Capture and Imaging  |  Document Management  |  Enterprise Content Management (ECM)  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

8 Things You Need to Know about Enterprise Capture

One of the things I talk about during my presentations is that while capture is a mature technology (i.e., it actually works as advertised), the capture market is still relatively immature. Specifically, while a relatively high percentage of user organizations are scanning to archive, relatively few are extracting data from images to doing indexing or metadata, even fewer are extracting data to drive processes, and still fewer have a true enterprise capture strategy.

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Blog Feature

Document Management  |  Paperless Office

5 Myths about Paperless Office That Hinder Document Management Software Adoption

Isn't it ironic that with advancing technology, we are quick to spend on 'cool' gadgets for personal use though they do not yield any financial return in most cases, but we are reluctant to invest in technology that is proven to yield a return in the short-to-medium term? This also holds true when it comes to moving a business to the paperless model. Let us look at five myths about paperless offices that prevent organizations from adopting electronic document management, and consequently miss out on the benefits that such technology brings.

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Blog Feature

Document Management

Five Myths about Document Management

While document management solutions on the market today deliver a host of benefits related to efficiency and productivity to businesses of all sizes and in all industries, many misconceptions about the technology still remain. Below are five document management myths, along with some helpful insight to help dispel these common misunderstandings.

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Blog Feature

Automation  |  Document Management  |  Paperless Office

5 Myths about Document Automation and Electronic Document Creation

How do you do more with less? Reduce your reliance on paper processes and start automating your workflow? Can you really create a paperless office? Why has this been a pipe dream until now?

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