The AIIM Blog
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That nice, comfortable world we knew as “document capture” is changing and it’s ABOUT TIME. Capture is becoming something much more strategic. Here are three key changes I see.
We use Case Management to improve the way we serve our partners and customers by grouping all of their related information together, front-and-center, in an easy to access “case.” At the heart of serving customers is the daunting task of trying to put all of the information included in a case to work by making a decision or an informed action. But, in a world that seems to triple its information output every year, this task is becoming harder and harder to manage. So, how can you possibly know all there is to know to run your business?
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Information capture is one of the most important elements in an organization as it brings the information into the information ecosystem, places it under proper control, and makes it accessible and available for action. Yet many companies to realize the potential of their current information capture systems fully. Although the return on investment of DIGITIZING paper assets is compelling, AIIM research has found that many customers have yet to implement the full spectrum of capture technologies.
In pursuit of the paperless enterprise, it is often easy to lose our way. Projects stall, months pass, and ROI is nowhere on the horizon, and all the while paper continues to rifle through our processes like stubborn weeds. Paper overwhelms the enterprise, and the difficult task to remove it all can cause a crisis of motivation.
Cloud | Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS)
Organizations must provide a flexible and secure environment supporting the agile needs of their remote workforce, partners, and clients. Organizations must look beyond corporate walls and extend their business processes and access to business information in an effective and secure manner regardless of device type.
Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS)
Organizations often wring their hands, worrying about the “Dropbox” effect – employees using unsanctioned and consumer-grade file sync and share solutions to improve their own personal productivity. Within this often frustrating user behavior, though, is a key truth: Many ECM solutions are too simply too complicated and cumbersome to meet the needs of the modern knowledge worker.