The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Many organizations have an obligation to maintain the information they create and receive as part of regular business activities and to ensure that the information is secured and maintained in official filing systems. But, with an endless amount of information flowing in and out of your business on a daily basis - how do you determine what to capture and what to avoid? Not all information is equal, and capturing everything could actually have a more negative impact on your business, but we'll address this later in the post. This post will help you develop an Information Capture strategy that fits your business' needs and avoids the common pitfalls.
Migrating to a new system or moving to a new platform? Then you’ll definitely need to create a successful data migration strategy to protect your valuable data and achieve the desired results. In this article, we’ll take a look at several ways to migrate your data. They will allow you to build a successful strategy, prevent data loss, and make everything as efficient as possible.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Metadata resides at the center of many of the essential aspects of content management. In addition to helping organize and classify content, Metadata enables good findability, can trigger workflow and transactional processes, reveals document usage patterns and history, and helps establish retention and disposition events. So far in our exploration of Metadata, we've answered some of the big questions already, including: What is Metadata? What is the business value of Metadata? How do I develop a Metadata strategy? Today, we'll be taking the next step and exploring how to build your Metadata plan. Let's get started!
What’s the Importance of a Metadata Strategy? Many organizations use metadata in ways that provide significant business value. Every system uses metadata to store and retrieve data. But in too many organizations, every system uses similar but different metadata, with the result that different data structures and approaches make information harder to find and manage, not easier. Take a simple example of an employee name: In one system, it’s “first name last name.” In another, it’s “last name, (comma) first name.” And in still another, it’s two fields: “First name” and “Last name.”
Information needs context, and we need to provide that context in a way that doesn't burden users but instead supports them. This means we need to take full advantage of recognition and analytics technologies to streamline and automate how we develop that context. One such tool is Metadata. Metadata offers significant benefits in terms of understanding information in new ways and in being able to leverage that intelligence to drive innovation and the customer experience.
Capture and Imaging | Electronic Records Management (ERM)
To succeed on the Digital Transformation journey, requires a strategy, planning, and the design of a better information ecosystem - what we refer to as Intelligent Information Management (IIM). The first step on this journey is to get all of your information into the information ecosystem. This is a practice called Capture. Let’s take a deeper look at this first step of digital transformation.