The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

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Certified Information Professional (CIP)

Finding Positive Opportunity in Social Distancing

It's no secret that I'm passionate about training and information management. I delivered the first AIIM public training course in the U.S. in January 2006. Since then, I've delivered more than 400 workshops, seminars, breakout sessions, and training courses relating to information management – almost all in person.

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Blog Feature

AIIM on Air  |  Accounting and Finance  |  Automation

[Podcast] Pepsi's AP Automation Case Study

I don't know about you, but when I think of Pepsi, I think of cool and refreshing. In fact, the last thing to come to mind is labor-intensive. But, for the staff at PepsiCo's Imaging Technology - the creator of document imaging and management solutions for PepsiCo’s worldwide network of business entities - labor-intensive, time-consuming, and error-prone were exactly what they were experiencing. The company's four largest European entities were still keying invoicing and credit memo data manually for all of their accounts payable processes.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

Digital Transformation  |  Paperless Office

COVID-19 and the Importance of the Digital Workplace

It seems like everyone is talking about coronavirus: what it means to the global and local economies, how it impacts different industries, even how to make your own hand sanitizer to combat it. One of the key approaches many organizations are taking is to minimize sustained contact with large groups of people. This has led to the cancellation of numerous conferences and other events; many schools and universities are asking students to stay home and participate remotely.

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Blog Feature

Content Migration  |  Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

What’s a Legacy System Replacement Project? A Non-Technical User's Guide to Starting the Conversation

“Legacy” is a term we see a lot in the IT world; in reference to software and hardware, it describes a system that has been superseded by improved technology. It’s easy to identify these systems with one simple question: “Have our business needs outgrown this system?” If you answered yes, it’s likely you’re in need of a legacy system replacement project - a project to replace the outdated system with a new system that can better suit the needs of the business.

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Blog Feature

AIIM Conference  |  AIIM on Air  |  Change Management

[Podcast] A “Carnegie” Approach to Change Management

In 1936, Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" first published. Since then, it's become one of the best-selling books of all time with over 15 million copies sold! What makes this self-help book one of the most influential of our time?

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Blog Feature


How Long Should I Keep This Business Record For?

This is perhaps one of the most-asked questions in all of records management. Too often I hear one of two, equally bad answers: Keep Records for Seven years: This seems to be the de facto answer, especially for financial services records. As near as I can tell, this comes from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service rules around when they can audit individual and corporate tax returns. If you've heard another original story for why we should keep all records for seven years, please share, and I'll update this post. Keep Records Forever: This generally is presented as one of four arguments: Just in case we get sued (or for some other legal reason) There's gold in them thar records! Analytics! AI! BIG DATA!!! Storage is cheap, figuring out what we can get rid of is not. Storage is cheap, penalties for getting rid of records inappropriately aren't.

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